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Cover Image | Author | Title | Price (EUR) | Page Count | ISBN | Binding | Language | Publication Date |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Man and Technics: A Contribution to a Philosophy of Life | 19.99 | 82 | 9788367583497 | Hardback | English | 14-Jun-2023 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Man and Technics: A Contribution to a Philosophy of Life | 8.99 | 82 | 9788367583480 | Paperback | English | 14-Jun-2023 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Der Mensch und die Technik: Beitrag zu einer Philosophie des Lebens | 23.99 | 98 | 9788367583473 | Hardback | German | 12-Jun-2023 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Der Mensch und die Technik: Beitrag zu einer Philosophie des Lebens | 11.99 | 98 | 9788367583466 | Paperback | German | 10-Jun-2023 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Preußentum und Sozialismus | 23.99 | 102 | 9788367583459 | Hardback | German | 2-Jun-2023 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Preußentum und Sozialismus | 11.99 | 102 | 9788367583442 | Paperback | German | 2-Jun-2023 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Jahre der Entscheidung: Deutschland und die weltgeschichtliche Entwicklung | 27.99 | 180 | 9788367583404 | Hardback | German | 1-Jun-2023 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Jahre der Entscheidung: Deutschland und die weltgeschichtliche Entwicklung | 14.99 | 180 | 9788367583398 | Paperback | German | 1-Jun-2023 |
 | Storey, Richard | Eve Fairy and the Giant | 8.99 | 24 | 9788367583237 | Paperback | English | 13-Feb-2023 |
 | Storey, Richard | Little Red Riding Hood and the Tricky Tiger | 9.5 | 34 | 9788367583190 | Paperback | English | 13-Feb-2023 |
 | Tolstoy, Alexei | Aelita | 25.99 | 186 | 9788367583312 | Hardback | English | 19-Jan-2023 |
 | Tolstoy, Alexei | Aelita | 13.99 | 186 | 9788367583305 | Paperback | English | 19-Jan-2023 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Prussianism and Socialism | 26.99 | 160 | 9788367583282 | Hardback | English | 6-Jan-2023 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Prussianism and Socialism | 14.99 | 160 | 9788367583275 | Paperback | English | 6-Jan-2023 |
 | Wells, H. G. | The Fate of Homo Sapiens | 27.99 | 244 | 9788367583251 | Hardback | English | 8-Dec-2022 |
 | Wells, H. G. | The Fate of Homo Sapiens | 16.99 | 244 | 9788367583244 | Paperback | English | 8-Dec-2022 |
 | Wells, H. G. | The New World Order | 24.99 | 126 | 9788367583121 | Hardback | English | 15-Nov-2022 |
 | Wells, H. G. | The New World Order | 12.99 | 126 | 9788367583114 | Paperback | English | 15-Nov-2022 |
 | Storey, Richard | Piroska és a trükkös tigris | 18.99 | 34 | 9788367583077 | Hardback | Hungarian | 24-Oct-2022 |
 | Storey, Richard | Eve Fairy and the Giant | 17.5 | 24 | 9788367583053 | Hardback | English | 23-Oct-2022 |
 | Storey, Richard | Czerwony Kapturek i podstępny Tygrys | 18.99 | 34 | 9788367583176 | Hardback | Polish | 16-Oct-2022 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Early Days of World History: Reflections on the Past | 40.99 | 552 | 9788367583046 | Hardback | English | 4-Oct-2022 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | Early Days of World History: Reflections on the Past | 29.99 | 552 | 9788367583022 | Paperback | English | 3-Oct-2022 |
 | Storey, Richard | Rotkäppchen und der listige Tiger | 18.99 | 34 | 9788367583091 | Hardback | German | 29-Sep-2022 |
 | Storey, Richard | Little Red Riding Hood and the Tricky Tiger | 18.99 | 34 | 9788367583008 | Hardback | English | 29-Sep-2022 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | The Hour of Decision: Germany and World-Historical Evolution | 13.99 | 216 | 9788367583411 | Paperback | English | 1-Sep-2023 |
 | Spengler, Oswald | The Hour of Decision: Germany and World-Historical Evolution | 25.99 | 216 | 9788367583428 | Hardback | English | 1-Sep-2023 |
 | Bruton, Robert | Empire in Apocalypse | 19.99 | 452 | 9788367583510 | Paperback | English | 4-Aug-2023 |
 | Bruton, Robert | Empire in Apocalypse | 29.99 | 452 | 9788367583527 | Hardback | English | 4-Aug-2023 |
 | Shujin, Chōkōdō | Finding Takashi | 13.99 | 146 | 9788367583602 | Paperback | English | 7-Aug-2023 |
 | Shujin, Chōkōdō | Finding Takashi | 25.99 | 146 | 9788367583619 | Hardback | English | 7-Aug-2023 |
 | Salingaros, Nikos | Eine Theorie der Architektur | 29.99 | 146 | 9788367583367 | Paperback | German | 31-Jul-2023 |
 | Salingaros, Nikos | Eine Theorie der Architektur | 33.99 | 146 | 9788367583374 | Hardback | German | 31-Jul-2023 |